To help the church grow into maturity for the coming days through a fiery passion for Jesus and the things burning on His heart.

For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.

Rev 19:7

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Sarah Sutherland graduated from Lee University in Cleveland, TN with a BA in Communication Studies. Upon graduation, she spent eight years in leadership in a ministry where she helped pioneer retreats/conferences for young adult ministry leaders in the state of Florida. Sarah also served as the House of Prayer Director at Heart of the Father Ministry and was an instructor at Maranatha School of Ministry in Lakeland Florida where she had the privilege to both teach and model God’s heart for intercession. Currently, Sarah is the director and co-lead instructor at The Altar School where she is known for her revelatory teaching on topics such as intimacy, intercession, and Israel and the Middle East. She also is the founder of Bride Made Ready Ministries, focused on maturing the bride for the coming days. Sarah is passionate about seeing a church prepared for the end-times through understanding the eternal storyline and the role in which we play. One of her greatest heart’s desires is to see the church have authority in the place of prayer through declaring Jesus’ kingdom and lordship over darkness in the earth to see the wrong things made right.

Sarah Sutherland

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